Position Sensor kit - LVDT model UM-1.0 with signal conditioner model EL-45

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 The system includes one UM-1.0 LVDT and a signal 

conditioner board model EL-45.  
UM-1.0 is  layer wound on a stainless steel coil form, 
providing high quality and rugged position sensor. Featuring 
small radial clearance between case hole and core, serving 
as an optional linear bearing. Encapsulation and shielding 
make it environmentally resistant. 
EL-45 is a miniature digital LVDT signal conditioner, featuring 
single +5V power supply, dual digital output: I2C and RS232, 
on board temperature sensor and compensation system, 
non-linearity error correction software.
Linearity Error 
5 microns typical using polynomial 
20 microns typical without polynomial 
Total error, over +10°C to +50°C (using 
polynomial correction and temperature charts) 
15 microns Typical 
Operating temperature  -20°C  to  +70°C 
Storage temperature  -25°C  to  +85°C 
Vibration survival  20g, 10 to 2,000 Hz